We’ve created this writing guide to ensure all content published on Actual Fluency is consistent, polished and recognisable. More importantly, it will ensure content is relevant, useful and engaging for our readers.
Before you start writing your piece, take a read through to make sure we’re all on the same page when it comes to creating content.
At Actual Fluency, we want to give people the up-to-date and accurate information they need to find the right language learning platforms. We provide reviews about the newest language learning platforms so they can make a decision that suits them best. We also produce guides that answer some more commonly asked questions in the language world.
A few words to describe the writing style at Actual Fluency:
<aside> 💡 We use British English in our content.
Content at Actual Fluency is structured differently depending on the type of article you’re writing. However, all articles should be: